Tuesday 6 January 2009

Task 4 Evaluation

Overall I think I got what I wanted for my film I didn't think that my film would extend to five minutes it even extended to an extra nine seconds, but I thought that it wasn't going to be that long. I didn't think much of the film and thought that there could've been room for improvment but after I showed it to a limited audience and was expected the worse, I began to see some of the best aspects of it. In particular I quite liked the different varieties of camera angles I used throughout the film. Most of the time, it was shot in the dark and the first scene with the messages surrounded around the house I thought was one of the best scenes, for that I only used torchlight and did closeb ups with the camera, I particulary like before showing the messages, was the scene in which there is only torchlight and a door a hand slowly reaching out towards the knob, with the door creaking as it's being open. What was cleverly done was the fact that I didn't need special sound effects for the creaky door as I happened to have a creaky door in my house and recorded it on camera. The moments of footage in which there is just a blank screen for about ten seconds, wasn't done on purpose, other people thought when they watched my film assumed it was being done to create suspense when really I accidently recorded with the lense covered up. I was worried when it got to those scenes as I thought that the audience would sit there watching ten seconds of absolutely nothing wandering what's happening, I didn't realise myself until I imported it onto iMovie and played all the way through, it was something that I was going to delete but after a first attempt of trying to delete it, I somehow manage to delete clips that I wanted to keep as it was one long scene, so I decided to reload those scenes that were lost and leave the film as it is.
I liked the timing of the the film although, I thought the first scene in the dark was very long, but that was because all I had was the camera and torchlight and it was difficult to find the messages in the dark.

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