Wednesday 10 December 2008

Production and Post Production 2.3

My original idea which I used on my storyboard, had to be changed completly for all the right reasons. The idea of a man feeling disturbed in the center of the woods was more complicated than I thought. It was very unlikely that I was able to round up a cast, find a location, ask permission, organise costume and actually shoot the film in under a week, my thoughts were it was going to be really time consuming and too complex and the film itself was probably going to extend to ten minutes which was not what I wanted. Also it didn't really have a plot and was going nowhere. My second idea titled "The Stalker" is understandable and makes a lot more sense, what I quite liked was the fact that it was a very basic setup. It has an easy to follow storyline, I didn't need much to create it, it has a limited cast and the location couldn't be anymore simple than my house.
Although, my second idea does contain some elements of the first one. I burrowed the idea of feeling you're being watched and the eerieness of being alone. So in a way, it is disturbing to watch. I also managed to give the illusion of being alone in the woods. My garden is relatively big and a has a few bare trees and it definetly has that woodland effect, so it made a perfect scenery. In the opening scene,I used the hallway in the house to place down unusual messages to create the effect that someone is unexpectedly in my house. This scene was shot in the dark using only a torch and the camera. The second scene at the front door, it was meant to be dark but I had to have the hallway light on as it was impossibly to even see someone's face with the camera, even with just torch light you still can't see the background. But I tried to make it as dark as possible when editing it and the outlines were clearly visible. The next scene outside the front door, once again I had to have the porch light on as it was pitch black outside. The scenes in the garden was shot in the daytime, so I had to give the illusion of it being a lot darker when I was editing. To make every scene look resonably the same, I put it in a black and white setting which at the same time made it look haunted. I didn't want a soundtrack to accompany it as I liked the silence of it and the blank intervals which creates suspense. I had no choice but to star in my own movie which was not originally planned

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