Tuesday 14 October 2008

Part Two

Koyaanisqatsi uses an eerie score combined with fast foward and slow motion music which emphasises the way in which the film takes its balance. The movement of the images all depends on the speed of the music, it also represents this continous routine of the day to day life in the natural and manmade world. For example the cloud formation and the scenes on an escalator sped up whereas the montage of ocean waves and the rocket explosion are in slow motion. This film is an example of craft as it is creative in many ways with the various types of images and locations, the use of colour and speed and the eerie music. The audio used is non- digetic, all is played is a score which is used throughout the entire film, there is virtually no dialogue and sound effects or natural sound.

This is different in comparison to The Girl Chewing Gum in which the audio is digetic; everything is heard from a car driving off to the sound of footsteps. It is set in black and white and is an example of context. Everything in the film was simple with the choice of location. This could be because of the fact that not a lot of money gone into creating the film whereas with Koyaanisqatsi, costed a lot with the excess use of technology to pay off the score, lighting, locations e.t.c.

1001 Night s is quite similar when referring to cost. The film didn't cost much to create as it was set in a dark room with no audio and special effects. However the film received a lot of credit despite the lack of technolgy; it is also an example of context as it had a basic setup. Overall, both films compared to Koyaanisqatsi, are mainly about the dialogue and the plot.

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