Tuesday 7 October 2008

Part One

I have chosen to give a descriptive analysis on the following films: Koyaanisqatsi (Godfrey Reggio), The Girl Chewing Gum (John Smith) and 1001 Nights (Jannane Al Ani.) In this paragraph, I am going to compare the differences and similarities that the three have.

Koyaanisqatsi was directed in 1982 by Godfrey Reggio, the title itself comes from the Hopi language translated as life out of balance which sums up the entire plot of the film. The film shows us what is happening in the world around us emphasised by Reggio’s use of fast forward and slow motion images in order to make comparisons between different types of physical motion. The film depicts humanity, the concept of natural and manmade environments and how they go through a slow ordeal of falling out of place, it is also a recall of day to day life.

In comparison, 1001 Nights directed by (Janaane Al Ani in 1998) is also based around humanity. The film is focused on five individuals (all women) as they talk through their traumatic experiences about war and violence that happens in the outside world however some are surreal, they are either dreamt of or imagined, not all of them are true accounts but they do have a link to true to life events.

The Girl Chewing Gum a low budget 70s film directed by John Smith similarly gives a view on everyday life. Set on an East End street, the film is part-commented, part-directed of what’s happening at every moment on that street corner or what is about to happen, it is based on reality and control outdoors in full detail.

All three films each give a depiction on day to day life although Koyaanisqatsi and 1001 Nights give the low down about the outside world whilst The Girl Chewing Gum just shows what happens every moment in one area .

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